Our Background
Madrasatul Iman Al Islamiyah is an Islamic weekend school established by Swahili speaking Muslims from the Eastern part of Africa for any Muslims who live in Northamptonshire and neighbouring towns in England.
The Madrasah started with 35 students in September 2003 with 20 boys, 15 girls and 6 teachers. By March 2007 the number of students had grown to 125 students; 72 boys and 53 girls. There were 14 volunteered teachers of whom 8 are male and 6 female. By the end of December 2012, the Madrasah had 270 students and 24 volunteer teachers.
The Parents committee was established to oversee and look after the Madrasah acting as a link between parents, the Masjid and the Madrasah. Presently the parents committee comprises of a Chairman, a secretary and two annually elected members.
The Madrasah is currently held on Saturdays and Sundays from 10.00am to 2.30pm.
Apart from students being taught how to read and understand the recitation of the Qur’aan, and its meaning, students also learn religious studies and basic principles of their religion in Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), Aqiydah (Islamic creed), Seerah (Islamic History), Ahadith, Etiquettes and Morals (Adaab and Akhlaaq).
Admission is held twice per each academic year during September and January for children who have reached the age of five. Older children of 5+ years can be admitted throughout the year pending availability.
Every parent will be required to fill in a application form and to read and agree to the Madrasah’s terms and conditions and to submit a registration fee.
There is a code of conduct for students and teachers, failure to adhere to this may result in disciplinary measures being taken up to the possible suspension or expulsion from the Madrasah in serious cases.
All teachers do their work on a voluntary basis and fiy Sabiili llah – toward the cause of Allah, and are required to read and sign the Madrasah Child Protection Policy and also be subject to CRB checks for the safety and welfare of all students.
Your support is very much appreciated and welcome. We would like to encourage your support by joining the ranks of our ever growing teaching staff, bringing your child to attend the Madrasah or by joining the parents committee overseeing the development and concerns of the Madrasah. These efforts will be highly appreciated and, as these constitute an act of worship. InshaaAllaah - God Willing - you will be rewarded accordingly by Allaah Subhaanahu Wa ta’aala.
If you have any suggestions, ideas, comments or opinions which would be helpful in furthering this cause and improving the standard of Education we are currently providing, please do not hesitate to share this with us.