Services provided by the Funeral Support Fund
Our Services
Assistance towards attaining a death certificate[1]
Arrangement of burial plot in the cemetery
Collection of the body from hospital/mortuary to the Mosque.
Washing and shrouding of the body by certified qualified individuals (females are handled by females only). Family members are strongly recommended to participate.
Providing a kafn (shroud) and a Casket if required.
Providing an Imam to lead the Janaazah (funeral prayer)
Transportation from the Mosque/Islamic Centre to the cemetery.
Providing a knowledgeable person to oversee the burial.
[1] Any additional copies of the death certificate may be obtained at an additional cost, to be paid for by the family
Abu Hurayrah (Radhiya Allaahu `Anhu) narrated I heard the Prophet of Allaah (Swalla’Allaahu alayhi wa Sallam) saying “The rights of the Muslim on the Muslims are to follow the funeral processions, to accept invitation and to reply the sneezer” (Sahih Al- Bukhaary, 023: 332)