Admission Policy
Admission Policy
Children have the opportunity to start the Madrasah when they reach their fifth birthday.
Madrasatul Iman Al-Islamiyah is an equal opportunities school, where the best interests of the child can be met; we will strive to ensure that they can have a prosperous education. The Madrasah will make all arrangements possible to help individual students in order for them to feel they are part of what we want to achieve.
There is an admission limit for the children who want to join the Madrasah for the first time. If the Madrasah is over subscribed space will be allocated on a “First Come First Serve” basis or in order of priority, which will be decided by admission board. Any student that wishes to join the Madrasah must fill in the admission form.
Parents of children who are refused a place have the right to appeal against the decision through the Parent board. In the event of a refusal of a place the child’s name may be put on a waiting list and if a place became available at any time, children from the waiting list will be offered place according to the order of priority already mentioned above. The waiting list will apply as long as the parents concerned are happy to wait.
Parents with children on the waiting list must inform the Madrasah in writing if they wish to keep their child’s name on the waiting list once the Madrasah has informed them of their application status. Pupils remaining on the waiting list will be offered places according to the previously mentioned priorities.
If you would like to visit the Madrasah before or after applying for a place for your child/children please contact the Madrasah to arrange a convenient time, you will then have the opportunity to talk with the Head Teacher or other available teachers in order to look around the Madrasah and ask for more information about any issues or concerns you have that may need clarification. All new admissions will be expected to sign a Madrasah Agreement that recognises all the rules, procedures, how the Madrasah is run etc.
Once the child has reached the required age to start attending the Madrasah, the parent/Guardian must complete an application form either online or return it to the Madrasah or post it, and the decision regarding the offer will be sent to you by post. There is a registration fee of £30 for each student, paid on admission. All new admissions will be expected to sign an agreement form to indicate parents and students have consented to the Madrasah’s terms and conditions mentioned in this prospectus.